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In this ITEMS module, we introduce the generalized deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (G‐DINA) model, which is a general framework for specifying, estimating, and evaluating a wide variety of cognitive diagnosis models. The module contains a nontechnical introduction to diagnostic measurement, an introductory overview of the G‐DINA model, as well as common special cases, and a review of model‐data fit evaluation practices within this framework. We use the flexible GDINA R package, which is available for free within the R environment and provides a user‐friendly graphical interface in addition to the code‐driven layer. The digital module also contains videos of worked examples, solutions to data activity questions, curated resources, a glossary, and quizzes with diagnostic feedback.  相似文献   
Many empirical studies on immigrant integration document the benefits of an education acquired in the country of destination. In this article; we study how the degree of human capital transferability affects an immigrant's chances of studying in Spain. We used data from the Spanish Labour Force Survey (2008–2015) for a sample of adults aged 18–55 who had left the educational system. The main findings show that natives are the ethnic group with the highest likelihood of re-enrolling in education. Amongst immigrants, those with fewer limitations on human capital transferability also invest more. These results question the predictions of the Immigrant Human Capital Investment model which expect that immigrants whose human capital depreciates upon arrival and those who can obtain a higher return on a new investment in education are therefore more likely to study. Moreover, the effect of skill transferability differs depending on the type of obstacle and the kind of education. Immigrants with less linguistic and cultural familiarity with the host country are less likely to undertake non-formal education than formal education. However, when the transferability obstacles are related to administrative requirements and legal restrictions, the probability of investing in non-formal education is higher. We conclude that immigrants with low skill transferability are not only less well integrated in the labour market upon arrival, but are also less able to redress that disadvantage through a new investment in education.  相似文献   
准确高效的太阳位置计算在遥感辐射定标、太阳能获取等多个领域具有重要应用价值。针对传统太阳赤纬角算法对不同年份数据差异考虑不足的问题,采用数值拟合法提出适用于不同年份的改进公式。根据误差曲线所呈现的周期性,采用傅里叶展开法提出以4年为周期的赤纬角改进算法,并推导出地球椭球模型下的太阳高度角公式。蒙气差影响太阳位置观测与计算。针对传统蒙气差算法在低仰角下误差较大的问题,提出0°~30°仰角下蒙气差的改进公式。把改进算法与相应的传统算法进行误差对比,结果表明,改进算法在太阳赤纬角、太阳高度角、低仰角下蒙气差计算的误差均明显降低,计算过程简单高效,符合相关工程项目应用需求。  相似文献   
为提高集装箱吞吐量的预测精度,提出基于因子分析和曲线拟合的集装箱吞吐量预测模型。以上海港为例,通过因子分析,分析影响集装箱吞吐量的主要因素,筛选出主因子,得到不同年份的综合经济发展值;再运用曲线拟合方法,建立以综合经济发展值为自变量,以集装箱吞吐量为因变量的三次曲线模型;运用自回归积分移动平均(autoregressive integrated moving average,ARIMA)模型预测2016—2020年的综合经济发展值,进而求得2016—2020年上海港集装箱吞吐量预测值。结果表明:该模型的拟合效果和预测精度均较高,可以运用到集装箱吞吐量预测中。给出上海港在国内经济新常态下转型升级的建议。  相似文献   
通过分析平昌冬奥会雪车和钢架雪车的赛况及主场优势,探索雪车和钢架雪车的发展规律,力求为我国雪车和钢架雪车项目的发展提供借鉴和参考。收集整理雪车和钢架雪车项目基本信息、平昌冬奥会赛况、获奖运动员信息及主场优势。研究发现:平昌冬奥会雪车和钢架雪车项目获奖运动员身材高大、年龄偏高;雪车和钢架雪车项目运动员跨界、跨项比例非常高;初学雪车和钢架雪车的年龄与运动成绩无直接联系,有丰富运动经历、运动水平较高、年龄略小(20岁以下)的其他项目运动员(田径)可转雪车和钢架雪车,且运动成绩提升速度快,通常在训练两年后,可达世界高级水平;雪车和钢架雪车训练和比赛的赛道极其稀缺,有限的赛道集中在东道主国家,这些国家的运动员较其他国家运动员有更多的时间熟悉赛道,这可能在一定程度上增加获胜的几率。  相似文献   
Topic evolution has been described by many approaches from a macro level to a detail level, by extracting topic dynamics from text in literature and other media types. However, why the evolution happens is less studied. In this paper, we focus on whether and how the keyword semantics can invoke or affect the topic evolution. We assume that the semantic relatedness among the keywords can affect topic popularity during literature surveying and citing process, thus invoking evolution. However, the assumption is needed to be confirmed in an approach that fully considers the semantic interactions among topics. Traditional topic evolution analyses in scientometric domains cannot provide such support because of using limited semantic meanings. To address this problem, we apply the Google Word2Vec, a deep learning language model, to enhance the keywords with more complete semantic information. We further develop the semantic space as an urban geographic space. We analyze the topic evolution geographically using the measures of spatial autocorrelation, as if keywords are the changing lands in an evolving city. The keyword citations (keyword citation counts one when the paper containing this keyword obtains a citation) are used as an indicator of keyword popularity. Using the bibliographical datasets of the geographical natural hazard field, experimental results demonstrate that in some local areas, the popularity of keywords is affecting that of the surrounding keywords. However, there are no significant impacts on the evolution of all keywords. The spatial autocorrelation analysis identifies the interaction patterns (including High-High leading, High-Low suppressing) among the keywords in local areas. This approach can be regarded as an analyzing framework borrowed from geospatial modeling. Moreover, the prediction results in local areas are demonstrated to be more accurate if considering the spatial autocorrelations.  相似文献   
党的十九届四中全会明确提出了“坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大意义和总体要求”。在新的历史时期,我国体育智库的新使命在于推进体育强国、健康中国和体育治理现代化建设。基于此,采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从外部和内部两个角度,对我国体育智库的责任和担当进行深入探讨。认为体育智库对内要注重更新管理体制,完善运行机制,建设和优化人才培养体系;对外要通过科研成果转化实现体育产业高质量发展,重塑体育治理生态,提升国家体育文化软实力和国际体育地位硬实力,促进体育融合发展,最终服务于我国体育治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   
学习团队协作信息搜索的共享心智模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 对协作信息搜索进行深入研究,为专业化协作信息搜索系统平台建设优化等提供启发和借鉴。[方法/过程] 聚焦于学习团队的信息搜索行为,以高校学生为研究样本,以共享心智模型为切入点,采用扎根理论研究方法,探讨协作信息搜索中团队共享心智模型建构过程。[结果/结论] 识别出四大核心环节——个体感知与探索、团队任务解析、团队信息收集和团队信息整合,并理清各环节的认知活动与共享心智模型内容要素。  相似文献   
叶兰 《图书情报工作》2020,64(13):51-57
[目的/意义] 对比分析数据管理能力成熟度模型,为图书馆选择与应用数据管理能力成熟度模型提供参考方案。[方法/过程] 通过模型文本的研究,介绍各模型的结构。采用比较分析法从评价维度(功能域)的设置、模型的组织体系、评价标准与规则、可操作性、公开度等5个方面对7个数据管理能力成熟度模型进行评析。[结果/结论] 每个模型具有其特色功能。CMMI、DMM、DCAM和中国DCMM的评价维度较为全面,中国DCMM即中国-数据中心服务能力成熟度模型具有较强的操作性,且其定量与定性相结合的评价方法值得借鉴。研究数据管理的能力成熟度模型(雪城大学秦健教授团队)和研究数据管理能力成熟度模型(澳大利亚ANDS)考虑图书馆数据管理的实际情况,可作为首选模型。基于各模型的对比与评析结果,形成3种适应不同情境的图书馆选择与应用数据管理能力成熟度模型的方案。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 通过构建二模复杂网络模型,揭示隐藏在海量文献中的隐性知识。[方法/过程] 通过NetworkX复杂网络工具包,依据任意两个节点的共现关系构建二模复杂网络模型;对网络模型中节点的共现关系进行加权,计算网络的拓扑信息并进行AP聚类,提取节点间的直接关系;采用AUC方法对AA、JC、加权改进的wAA和wJC等4种链路预测算法进行评价,遴选出最合适的预测算法,并对复杂网络的隐性关系进行预测分析。[结果/结论] 以潜在药物靶点挖掘为例进行的实证研究结果表明,wAA链路预测算法为最优的链路预测算法;二模复杂网络模型、指标和方法体系在美国化学文摘社数据库中的药物靶点挖掘中具有一定的有效性。下一步计划在其他数据库中或其他研究领域中进行尝试,以进一步验证该模型的通用性和有效性。  相似文献   
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